If an agent only has self-access in VAX, the field will be grayed out and prepopulated with the agent’s name.
The search results have been increased to accommodate the additional search criteria. With the search results increasing, the additional fields can be exported into excel to get a break down of criteria such as: Number of Passengers, Number of Nights, Hotel Name, Commission, Package Type, etc. will only pull from an export to excel file (see above grid).
Multi-party itineraries will be shown differently than standard reservation retrieval. There will be a small dropdown that appears on the left column of the grid and when clicked, each party's itinerary will be visible.
**Group reservations will be accessed the same way the original retrieval process was, however, if an agent wanted to find all reservations in a group, you can search by promo code to find them all.
Reservations will only be retrieved if they were booked within the last 3 years and traveled within the past 18 months. Users must be aware of this while searching as the search might take longer if an agent has a history of many bookings.